Prof. E.J. Dommering

Prof. Egbert Dommering is a Emeritus Professor of Information Law at the University of Amsterdam. He served as Director of the Institute for Information Law (IViR) between 1989 and 2004. During that period, he continued to work as a lawyer in The Hague for Buruma & Maris and in Amsterdam for Stibbe (from 1995) and for Brinkhof (2005-2018). As a lawyer, he was involved in many of the leading cases in fields of law coinciding with IViR’s research interests. His most important (joint) publications include: Verbinding en Ontvlechting in de Communicatie. Een studie naar toekomstig overheidsbeleid voor de elektronische communicatie (1990), Handboek Telecommunicatierecht (1999), Informatierecht, fundamentele rechten voor de informatiemaatschappij (2000), Coding Regulation (2006), European Media Law (2008), Gevangen in de waarneming (valedictory lecture; 2008), De achtervolging van Prometheus (2008), Internetvrijheid (2014) advice for the Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken, Het Verschil van Mening, Geschiedenis van een verkeerd begrepen idee (2016) and De Europese informatierechtsorde (2019). He annotates case-law from the Supreme Court (Hoge Raad) of the Netherlands and European case-law on relevant topics in Nederlandse Jurisprudentie. After his retirement, he held the Chair, “Theory of Information Law”, at IViR. He writes a blog on visual arts on