Dr. A.J. Nieuwenhuis
Aernout J. Nieuwenhuis studied political science, philosophy and law. His thesis (Amsterdam 1991) was on freedom of the press and press policy: press merger control and state aid for the press in France, Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands. He was awarded a research fellowship of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, resulting in the book Over de grens van de uitingsvrijheid (Beyond the limits of freedom of speech. Justifications and restrictions of freedom of speech in the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands, Amsterdam 1997). He is member of the constitutional law department and affiliate member of the Institute of Information Law. He lectures on constitutional and administrative law, and he gives the optional courses `Comparative constitutional law', and `Freedom of speech'. He is co-author of the book Uitingsvrijheid (Freedom of Expression, Amsterdam 2000) and he publishes regularly on constitutional law and information law issues. He is a member of the editorial staff of the information law journal Mediaforum.