The regulation of online political micro-targeting in Europe external link

Internet Policy Review, vol. 8, num: 4, 2020


In this paper, we examine how online political micro-targeting is regulated in Europe. While there are no specific rules on such micro-targeting, there are general rules that apply. We focus on three fields of law: data protection law, freedom of expression, and sector-specific rules for political advertising; for the latter we examine four countries. We argue that the rules in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are necessary, but not sufficient. We show that political advertising, including online political micro-targeting, is protected by the right to freedom of expression. That right is not absolute, however. From a European human rights perspective, it is possible for lawmakers to limit the possibilities for political advertising. Indeed, some countries ban TV advertising for political parties during elections.

Advertising, Data protection law, elections, europe, frontpage, Micro-targeting, Politics, Privacy, Regulering, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Dobber2020, title = {The regulation of online political micro-targeting in Europe}, author = {Dobber, T. and Fahy, R. and Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0116}, date = {2020-01-16}, journal = {Internet Policy Review}, volume = {8}, number = {4}, pages = {}, abstract = {In this paper, we examine how online political micro-targeting is regulated in Europe. While there are no specific rules on such micro-targeting, there are general rules that apply. We focus on three fields of law: data protection law, freedom of expression, and sector-specific rules for political advertising; for the latter we examine four countries. We argue that the rules in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are necessary, but not sufficient. We show that political advertising, including online political micro-targeting, is protected by the right to freedom of expression. That right is not absolute, however. From a European human rights perspective, it is possible for lawmakers to limit the possibilities for political advertising. Indeed, some countries ban TV advertising for political parties during elections.}, keywords = {Advertising, Data protection law, elections, europe, frontpage, Micro-targeting, Politics, Privacy, Regulering, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

European Regulation of Smartphone Ecosystems external link

European Data Protection Law Review (EDPL), vol. 5, num: 4, pp: 476-491, 2019


For the first time, two pieces of EU legislation will specifically target smartphone ecosystems in relation to smartphone and mobile software (eg, iOS and Android) privacy, and use and monetisation of data. And yet, both pieces of legislation approach data use and data monetisation from radically contrasting perspectives. The first is the proposed ePrivacy Regulation, which seeks to provide enhanced protection against user data monitoring and tracking in smartphones, and safeguard privacy in electronic communications. On the other hand, the recently enacted Platform-to-Business Regulation 2019, seeks to bring fairness to platform-business user relations (including app stores and app developers), and is crucially built upon the premise that the ability to access and use data, including personal data, can enable important value creation in the online platform economy. This article discusses how these two Regulations will apply to smartphone ecosystems, especially relating to user and device privacy. The article analyses the potential tension points between the two sets of rules, which result from the underlying policy objectives of safeguarding privacy in electronic communications and the functioning of the digital economy in the emerging era of platform governance. The article concludes with a discussion on how to address these issues, at the intersection of privacy and competition in the digital platform economy.

frontpage, governance, Platforms, Privacy, Regulering, smartphones


Article{Fahy2019eb, title = {European Regulation of Smartphone Ecosystems}, author = {Fahy, R. and van Hoboken, J.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {1213}, date = {2019-12-13}, journal = {European Data Protection Law Review (EDPL)}, volume = {5}, number = {4}, pages = {476-491}, abstract = {For the first time, two pieces of EU legislation will specifically target smartphone ecosystems in relation to smartphone and mobile software (eg, iOS and Android) privacy, and use and monetisation of data. And yet, both pieces of legislation approach data use and data monetisation from radically contrasting perspectives. The first is the proposed ePrivacy Regulation, which seeks to provide enhanced protection against user data monitoring and tracking in smartphones, and safeguard privacy in electronic communications. On the other hand, the recently enacted Platform-to-Business Regulation 2019, seeks to bring fairness to platform-business user relations (including app stores and app developers), and is crucially built upon the premise that the ability to access and use data, including personal data, can enable important value creation in the online platform economy. This article discusses how these two Regulations will apply to smartphone ecosystems, especially relating to user and device privacy. The article analyses the potential tension points between the two sets of rules, which result from the underlying policy objectives of safeguarding privacy in electronic communications and the functioning of the digital economy in the emerging era of platform governance. The article concludes with a discussion on how to address these issues, at the intersection of privacy and competition in the digital platform economy.}, keywords = {frontpage, governance, Platforms, Privacy, Regulering, smartphones}, }

De verspreiding van desinformatie via internetdiensten en de regulering van politieke advertenties external link


Rapport in opdracht van het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, bijlage bij Kamerstuk 2019-2020, 30821, nr. 91, Tweede Kamer.

desinformatie, frontpage, Informatierecht, internetdiensten, politieke advertenties, Regulering


Report{vanHoboken2019c, title = {De verspreiding van desinformatie via internetdiensten en de regulering van politieke advertenties}, author = {van Hoboken, J. and Appelman, N. and Fahy, R. and Leerssen, P. and McGonagle, T. and van Eijk, N. and Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {1031}, date = {2019-10-31}, abstract = {Rapport in opdracht van het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, bijlage bij Kamerstuk 2019-2020, 30821, nr. 91, Tweede Kamer.}, keywords = {desinformatie, frontpage, Informatierecht, internetdiensten, politieke advertenties, Regulering}, }

Germany proposes Europe’s first diversity rules for social media platforms external link

LSE Media Policy Project Blog, vol. 2019, 2019

frontpage, Mediarecht, Online platforms, Regulering, Social media


Article{Helberger2019, title = {Germany proposes Europe’s first diversity rules for social media platforms}, author = {Helberger, N. and Leerssen, P. and Drunen, M. van}, url = {}, year = {0606}, date = {2019-06-06}, journal = {LSE Media Policy Project Blog}, volume = {2019}, pages = {}, keywords = {frontpage, Mediarecht, Online platforms, Regulering, Social media}, }

Het privacy-argument tegen de Dopamine Machine external link

Privacy & Informatierecht, vol. 2018, num: 2, pp: 39-41, 2018


De kinderen van Apple-baas Steve Jobs mochten geen iPad gebruiken. 1 Maar Jobs was niet de enige. Veel techies in Silicon Valley zijn zich bewust van de verslavende effecten van IT – ze hebben de producten namelijk zelf ontwikkeld. En nu steeds meer spijtoptanten oproepen tot regulering van onlinediensten zoals Facebook, vraag ik me af: welke rol kan het privacyrecht daarbij spelen?

onlinediensten, Privacy, Regulering


Article{vanDaalen2018b, title = {Het privacy-argument tegen de Dopamine Machine}, author = {van Daalen, O.}, url = {}, year = {1012}, date = {2018-10-12}, journal = {Privacy & Informatierecht}, volume = {2018}, number = {2}, pages = {39-41}, abstract = {De kinderen van Apple-baas Steve Jobs mochten geen iPad gebruiken. 1 Maar Jobs was niet de enige. Veel techies in Silicon Valley zijn zich bewust van de verslavende effecten van IT – ze hebben de producten namelijk zelf ontwikkeld. En nu steeds meer spijtoptanten oproepen tot regulering van onlinediensten zoals Facebook, vraag ik me af: welke rol kan het privacyrecht daarbij spelen?}, keywords = {onlinediensten, Privacy, Regulering}, }

Wifi-tracking in de winkel(straat): inbreuk op de privacy? external link

Bosch, B.F.E. & van Eijk, N.
Privacy & Informatie, num: 6, pp: 238-246, 2016


Tegenwoordig wordt de consument op steeds grotere schaal gevolgd via de wifi-signalen die smartphones uitzenden. Inzicht in hoe consumenten zich gedragen in een winkel levert commerciële voordelen op voor de winkeliers, maar ook risico's voor de persoonlijke levenssfeer. Onder de Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens is gegevensverwerking via wifi-tracking toegestaan, mits wordt voldaan aan de strenge eisen die de wet stelt. Ter vergelijking wordt gekeken naar de regulering van wifi-tracking in de Verenigde Staten.

consumenten, frontpage, Privacy, Regulering, retailtracking, smartphones, Verenigde Staten, Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens, wifi-tracking, winkels


Article{Bosch2016, title = {Wifi-tracking in de winkel(straat): inbreuk op de privacy?}, author = {Bosch, B.F.E. and van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {1220}, date = {2016-12-20}, journal = {Privacy & Informatie}, number = {6}, abstract = {Tegenwoordig wordt de consument op steeds grotere schaal gevolgd via de wifi-signalen die smartphones uitzenden. Inzicht in hoe consumenten zich gedragen in een winkel levert commerciële voordelen op voor de winkeliers, maar ook risico\'s voor de persoonlijke levenssfeer. Onder de Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens is gegevensverwerking via wifi-tracking toegestaan, mits wordt voldaan aan de strenge eisen die de wet stelt. Ter vergelijking wordt gekeken naar de regulering van wifi-tracking in de Verenigde Staten.}, keywords = {consumenten, frontpage, Privacy, Regulering, retailtracking, smartphones, Verenigde Staten, Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens, wifi-tracking, winkels}, }

Delegation to independent regulatory authorities in the media sector: A paradigm shift through the lens of regulatory theory external link

pp: 15-54, 2014

Mediarecht, Regulering, toezichthouders


Other{nokey, title = {Delegation to independent regulatory authorities in the media sector: A paradigm shift through the lens of regulatory theory}, author = {Irion, K.}, url = {}, year = {0109}, date = {2014-01-09}, keywords = {Mediarecht, Regulering, toezichthouders}, }

Ireland: Milestones in Online Self-Regulation external link

Computer und Recht International, num: 3, pp: 93-94, 2003


Dit artikel beschrijft twee belangrijke ontwikkelingen op het gebied van zelfregulering van Internet in Ierland. Ten eerste de toepassing van de (allereerste) gedragscode (Code of Practice and Ethics) door de vereniging van Internet Service Providers in Ierland. Ten tweede beschrijft dit artikel het eerste belangrijke rapport van het Ierse online meldpunt voor kinderpornografie.



Article{nokey, title = {Ireland: Milestones in Online Self-Regulation}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0930}, date = {2003-09-30}, journal = {Computer und Recht International}, number = {3}, abstract = {Dit artikel beschrijft twee belangrijke ontwikkelingen op het gebied van zelfregulering van Internet in Ierland. Ten eerste de toepassing van de (allereerste) gedragscode (Code of Practice and Ethics) door de vereniging van Internet Service Providers in Ierland. Ten tweede beschrijft dit artikel het eerste belangrijke rapport van het Ierse online meldpunt voor kinderpornografie.}, keywords = {Regulering}, }

Van maatstaf naar maatwerk: een korte geschiedenis van economische regulering external link

Tijdschrift voor Toezicht, num: 4, pp: 27-44, 2011



Article{nokey, title = {Van maatstaf naar maatwerk: een korte geschiedenis van economische regulering}, author = {Poort, J.}, url = {}, year = {0726}, date = {2011-07-26}, journal = {Tijdschrift voor Toezicht}, number = {4}, keywords = {Regulering}, }