Axel Arnbak
Partner at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek and Fellow at IViR, University of Amsterdam, NL
Axel Arnbak is partner at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, fellow at IViR (University of Amsterdam) and columnist at the Dutch Financial Times. He works on information security, privacy and communications freedoms — or, as some have it, ‘cyber’ issues. Axel obtained his doctorate in 2015 with his book ‘Securing Private Communications’, was a 2014/15 Research Affiliate and a 2013/14 resident Research Fellow at Harvard University’s Berkman Center and CITP, Princeton University.

Ot van Daalen
Assistant professor at the Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, NL
Ot is an assistant professor in the field of privacy and security. He is also the founder of a law firm specialised in privacy and security, Root Legal. He wrote a PhD on the human rights-compatibility of the regulation of offensive and defensive information security technologies, focusing on quantum computing and encryption. Previously, he worked at the Dutch Data Protection Authority and relaunched the Dutch digital rights movement Bits of Freedom.

Dennis Hirsch
Professor of Law and of Computer Science, The Ohio State University, U.S.
Dennis Hirsch is a Professor of Law and of Computer Science at The Ohio State University where he directs the Program on Data and Governance and teaches courses on Information Privacy Law, Big Data and the Law, and Trustworthy AI: Law, Policy, Ethics, and Management. He is a member of the OECD’s Expert Group on AI Risk and Accountability, the IAPP’s AI Governance Center Advisory Board, and the Scientific Committee for the Computers, Privacy, and Data Protection (CPDP) conference. In 2010, he served as a Fulbright Senior Professor at the University of Amsterdam where he taught Comparative US-EU Privacy Law and studied Dutch data protection codes of conduct. He formerly served as Chair of the American Association of Law Schools Section on Privacy and Defamation Law and as Reporter for the Uniform Law Commission Committee on Employee and Student Privacy.

Kristina Irion
Associate Professor at the Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, NL
Kristina Irion is Associate Professor at the Institute for Information Law (IViR) at the University of Amsterdam. She is the Director of the Annual IViR Summer Course on Privacy Law and Policy and the Coordinator as well as a Lecturer in the Research Master’s Information Law. Kristina is a member of the Scientific Committee of the annual Computer Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) International Conferences and the International Advisory Board of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC). A baseline of Kristina’s research is the interpretation and analysis of the transformational processes that reconfigure the legal properties of digital data in line with societal needs. Kristina’s current research agenda focuses on the governance of transnational digital technologies and global data value chains from the perspective of European law and international economic law.

Margot Kaminski
Professor at the University of Colorado Law and the Director of the Privacy Initiative at Silicon Flatirons, U.S.
Margot Kaminski specializes in the law of new technologies, focusing on information governance, privacy, and freedom of expression. Recently, her work has examined autonomous systems, including AI, robots, and drones (UAS). In 2018, she researched comparative and transatlantic approaches to sensor privacy in the Netherlands and Italy as a recipient of the Fulbright-Schuman Innovation Grant. Her academic work has been published in UCLA Law Review, Minnesota Law Review, Boston University Law Review, and Southern California Law Review, among others, and she frequently writes for the popular press.

Stefan Kulk
Senior advisor Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens
Stefan Kulk is a senior legal advisor at the department for the Coordination of Algorithmic Oversight (DCA) at the Dutch DPA (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens). Stefan advises on the implementation of new legislative frameworks in the digital domain, such as the Data Act and the AI act. He is also closely involved in the joint preparations of supervisory authorities for the AI Act. Before Stefan joined the DPA, he was an associate professor of law and technology at Utrecht University.

Sjoera Nas
Senior privacy consultant, Privacy Company, NL
Sjoera Nas is a senior privacy consultant. She has worked for the Dutch data protection authority for almost 12 years, as internet and telecom expert. She was responsible for many national and international investigations, involving for example Google, Facebook and Microsoft. She has been rapporteur or co-rapporteur of many opinions of the Article 29 Working Party related to internet and technology. In May 2018, she switched to the Dutch privacy consultancy Privacy Company. She acts as an external DPO for a number of private and public sector organisations, and has been commissioned to conduct several Data Protection Impact Assessments. Her extensive DPIA reports for the Dutch government on the data processing by Google (Google Workspace) and Microsoft (Windows, Office, Intune and DKE), are publicly available.

Brend Plantinga
Senior legal advisor Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens
Brend Plantinga is a senior legal advisor at the department for the Coordination of Algorithmic Oversight (DCA) at the Dutch DPA (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens). He is currently conducting legal advisory tasks on the AI Act and other related legal frameworks at the DCA. Before that, he completed a cum laude LLM in Law and Technology and an LLM in Law & Economics at the Utrecht University. His areas of expertise are the AI Act, the GDPR and frameworks that regulate digital markets (such as the DMA, DSA and competition law).

Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius
Professor of ICT and private law at Radboud University, NL
At Radboud University Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius is affiliated with the Digital Security Group of the iCIS Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, and with the iHub, the Interdisciplinary Hub for Security, Privacy and Data Governance. His research interests include privacy, data protection, discrimination, and freedom of expression, especially in the context of new technologies. He often enriches legal research with insights from other disciplines. He has co-operated with, for instance, economists, computer scientists, and communication scholars. After obtaining his doctorate (2014) at the Institute for Information Law, he worked as a researcher. In 2015 he published a book ‘Improving privacy protection in the area of behavioural targeting’, based on his PhD thesis. In 2018, he worked at the LSTS Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society, at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium).