Chefsache: Bestuurders aansprakelijk na ernstige cyberaanval external link


Bescherming van communicatie, frontpage, Grondrechten


Other{nokey, title = {Chefsache: Bestuurders aansprakelijk na ernstige cyberaanval}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {}, year = {0617}, date = {2016-06-17}, keywords = {Bescherming van communicatie, frontpage, Grondrechten}, }

Nieuw toezicht: Stortvloed aan data schreeuwt om ingrijpen external link


Bescherming van communicatie, frontpage, Grondrechten


Other{nokey, title = {Nieuw toezicht: Stortvloed aan data schreeuwt om ingrijpen}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {}, year = {0520}, date = {2016-05-20}, keywords = {Bescherming van communicatie, frontpage, Grondrechten}, }

Your Digital Home Is No Longer Your Castle: How cloud computing transforms the (legal) relationship between individuals and their personal records external link


Bescherming van communicatie, Grondrechten, Protection of communication


Presentation{nokey, title = {Your Digital Home Is No Longer Your Castle: How cloud computing transforms the (legal) relationship between individuals and their personal records}, author = {}, url = {}, year = {0901}, date = {2015-09-01}, keywords = {Bescherming van communicatie, Grondrechten, Protection of communication}, }

Internet der dingen zwaar beveiligen external link


Bescherming van communicatie, Grondrechten


Other{nokey, title = {Internet der dingen zwaar beveiligen}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {}, year = {0428}, date = {2015-04-28}, keywords = {Bescherming van communicatie, Grondrechten}, }

Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 28 mei 2013 external link

NJ, num: 34/35, pp: 4450-4451., 2014


Afpersen van gegevens, alleen voor gegevens waarbij het oogmerk bestond er voordeel mee te behalen. Afgrenzing van het begrip 'voordeel'.

Bescherming van communicatie, Grondrechten


Case note{nokey, title = {Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 28 mei 2013}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {0828}, date = {2014-08-28}, journal = {NJ}, number = {34/35}, abstract = {Afpersen van gegevens, alleen voor gegevens waarbij het oogmerk bestond er voordeel mee te behalen. Afgrenzing van het begrip 'voordeel'.}, keywords = {Bescherming van communicatie, Grondrechten}, }

Gevangen in de waarneming: Hoe de burger de communicatiemiddelen overnam en zelf ook de bewaking ging verzorgen external link

Otto Cramwinckel Uitgever, 0507

Bescherming van communicatie, Grondrechten


Book{nokey, title = {Gevangen in de waarneming: Hoe de burger de communicatiemiddelen overnam en zelf ook de bewaking ging verzorgen}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {0507}, date = {2008-05-07}, keywords = {Bescherming van communicatie, Grondrechten}, }

De wind van Snowden in de Amerikaanse informatieparaplu external link

Mediaforum, num: 7/8, pp: 173, 2013

Bescherming van communicatie, Grondrechten


Article{nokey, title = {De wind van Snowden in de Amerikaanse informatieparaplu}, author = {Arnbak, A. and van Hoboken, J.}, url = {}, year = {0806}, date = {2013-08-06}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {7/8}, keywords = {Bescherming van communicatie, Grondrechten}, }

Security Economics in the HTTPS Value Chain external link

Asghari, H., Eeten, M.J.G. van, Arnbak, A. & van Eijk, N.
pp: 1-35, 2013


Even though we increasingly rely on HTTPS to secure Internet communications, several landmark incidents in recent years have illustrated that its security is deeply flawed. We present an extensive multi-disciplinary analysis that examines how the systemic vulnerabilities of the HTTPS authentication model could be addressed. We conceptualize the security issues from the perspective of the HTTPS value chain. We then discuss the breaches at several Certificate Authorities (CAs). Next, we explore the security incentives of CAs via the empirical analysis of the market for SSL certificates, based on the SSL Observatory dataset. This uncovers a surprising pattern: there is no race to the bottom. Rather, we find a highly concentrated market with very large price differences among suppliers and limited price competition. We explain this pattern and explore what it tells us about the security incentives of CAs, including how market leaders seem to benefit from the status quo. In light of these findings, we look at regulatory and technical proposals to address the systemic vulnerabilities in the HTTPS value chain, in particular the EU eSignatures proposal that seeks to strictly regulate HTTPS communications.

Bescherming van communicatie, Grondrechten


Presentation{nokey, title = {Security Economics in the HTTPS Value Chain}, author = {Asghari, H. and Eeten, M.J.G. van and Arnbak, A. and van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {0711}, date = {2013-07-11}, abstract = {Even though we increasingly rely on HTTPS to secure Internet communications, several landmark incidents in recent years have illustrated that its security is deeply flawed. We present an extensive multi-disciplinary analysis that examines how the systemic vulnerabilities of the HTTPS authentication model could be addressed. We conceptualize the security issues from the perspective of the HTTPS value chain. We then discuss the breaches at several Certificate Authorities (CAs). Next, we explore the security incentives of CAs via the empirical analysis of the market for SSL certificates, based on the SSL Observatory dataset. This uncovers a surprising pattern: there is no race to the bottom. Rather, we find a highly concentrated market with very large price differences among suppliers and limited price competition. We explain this pattern and explore what it tells us about the security incentives of CAs, including how market leaders seem to benefit from the status quo. In light of these findings, we look at regulatory and technical proposals to address the systemic vulnerabilities in the HTTPS value chain, in particular the EU eSignatures proposal that seeks to strictly regulate HTTPS communications.}, keywords = {Bescherming van communicatie, Grondrechten}, }