Dr. P. Terzis

Petros (he/him) is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam. His work focuses on the law and governance of quantum technologies and the political economy of computing. Working with prof. dr. Joris van Hoboken and the research group on the law and governance of quantum technologies at IViR, Petros’s work explores the standardisation initiatives and practices for quantum technologies in the EU in an attempt to contextualise them within the broader ecosystem of computational production and to study the various ways that current configurations of power in the world of classical computing (pre)shape and (pre)determine future trajectories of otherwise generative (quantum) technologies.
Between 2021-2023, Petros completed, with the support of Fondation Botnar, a 2-year Research Fellowship at University College London (UCL) where he explored questions around the regulation and governance of computational infrastructures. During this time, he contributed to the project of developing of privacy-preserving technologies for public health in Kenya and Côte d'Ivoire and engaged in policy work for the proposed European Health Data Space regulation.
Petros holds a PhD in Information Law from the University of Winchester (UK) and a Master’s degree in Law and Economics from the University of Macedonia (Greece). As an accredited Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), he has taught a wide range of subjects at the intersection of Law and Technology, including ‘Intellectual Property and Information Rights’ at the University of Winchester, ‘Information Technology Law’ at the London School of Economics, and ‘Privacy, Data, and Surveillance Law’ at UCL.