Accepted papers for the conference:
- Oshrat Ayalon (Tel Aviv University) and Eran Toch (Tel Aviv University and Cornell Tech). Making Privacy-by-Design User-Centered: Challenges and Methods for Involving Users in Privacy Engineering Processes
- Sebastian Benthall (New York University) and Jake Goldenfein (Cornell Tech). What is SocioPolitical Emancipation in the Control Paradigm?
- Reuben Binns (University of Oxford) and Michael Veale (University College London). Is That Your Final Decision? Multi-Stage Profiling and Selective Significance under EU Data Protection Law
- Maja Brkan (Maastricht University). European Democracy and Free Elections in the age of Artificial Intelligence
- Dan Burk (University of California, Irvine). Algorithmic Legal Metrics
- Federica Casarosa (European University Institute). The collective redress of data protection in the Regulation 2016/679 – a step forward towards transnational collective actions?
- Ignacio Cofone (McGill University) and Katherine Strandburg (New York University). Strategic Games and Algorithmic Transparency
- Tom Dobber (University of Amsterdam), Ronan Fahy (University of Amsterdam) and Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (University of Amsterdam). The Regulation of Online Political Microtargeting in Europe
- Laura Drechsler (Vrije Universiteit Brussel). Adequacy decisions under the Law Enforcement Directive: “the same but different” compared to GDPR adequacy
- Lilian Edwards (Newcastle University) and Michael Veale (University College London). Regulating Unreality
- Jenneke Evers (Leiden University). Dissecting the support for SyRI: A discourse analysis of the debate about data-driven law enforcement
- Karolina Gałęzowska (University of Warsaw). Right to explain: the Polish approach
- Raphael Gellert (Tilburg University). Organising the regulation of algorithms: comparative legal lessons
- Alexandra Giannopoulou (University of Amsterdam). Data protection by design on the blockchain
- Gloria González Fuster (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and Olga Gkotsopoulou (Vrije Universiteit Brussel). Sex, life, and data protection: An exploration
- Seda Gürses (Delft University of Technology and KU Leuven). Privacy By Design: A matter of labor
- Chris Hoofnagle (University of California, Berkeley). Political Economy of the Quantum Information Age
- Meg Jones (Georgetown University) and Margot Kaminski (University of Colorado). An American’s Guide to the GDPR
- Eleni Kosta (Tilburg University). A two-tier European data protection framework: a critical reflection on the choices of the European legislator post- Lisbon
- Eric Lachaud (Tilburg University). Adhering to GDPR codes of conduct: a possible option for SMEs to GDPR certification
- Paddy Leerssen (University of Amsterdam). The soap box is a black box: regulating social media recommender systems through data protection and media law
- Wenlong Li (University of Edinburgh) and Karen Gregory (University of Edinburgh). Restoring Gig Workers to Power: Personal Data Portability, Supply of Digital Content and Free Flow of Data in
the European Data Economy - Katrina Ligett (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) and Kobbi Nissim (Georgetown University). Ground Rules and Goals for Data Co-ops
- Smarika Lulz (Humboldt University of Berlin). Who Are we Unwilling to Hear?: A Problematisation of GDPR’s “Right to Explanation” as a Means to Algorithmic Accountability
- Orla Lynskey (London School of Economics). A Rule of Reason in EU Data Protection Law
- René Mahieu (Vrij Universiteit Brussel), Hadi Asghari (Delft University of Technology) and Joris van Hoboken (University of Amsterdam). Investigating an ecology of transparency: Experiences of the right of access in practice
- Gianclaudio Malgieri (Vrije Universiteit Brussel). A linguistic comparison of the concept of Fairness in the GDPR: towards a vulnerability-aware interpretation of (un)fairness as imbalance
- Tom Norton (Fordham University), Joel Reidenberg (Fordham University), Norman Sadeh (Carnegie Mellon University) and Abhilasha Ravichander (Carnegie Mellon University). Evaluating How Global Privacy Principles Answer Consumers’ Questions About Mobile App Privacy
- Sunoo Park (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard Law School). “Going Dark” in Developing Countries
- Mara Paun (Tilburg University). Diagnosis: Regulatory disconnection – Time to reorganize data protection law?
- Jon Penney (University of Toronto and Harvard University) and Danielle Citron (Boston University). When Law Frees Us To Speak
- Gavin Phillipson (University of Bristol). The unguided balance between free speech and privacy under the new GDPR ‘right to be forgotten’: a role for free speech theory?
- Francesca Pichierri (FIZ-Karlsruhe). Online manipulative practices for electoral gain and the danger to democracy: opening a discussion on regulation
- Blagovesta Betty Pirelli (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Seda Gürses (Delft University of Technology and KU Leuven) and Carmela Troncoso (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne). Privacy technologies meet Software Engineering: on the challenges of privacy engineering in an Agile world
- Neil Richards (Washington University) and Woodrow Hartzog (Northeastern University). Privacy’s Constitutional Moment
- Robert Riemann (no affiliation (until approved by employer)). Peer-to-Peer Protocols and Data Protection in the European Union
- Cristiana Santos (University Toulouse 1-Capitol), Célestin Matte (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique) and Nataliia Bielova (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique). How to comply with European law on cookies? A legaltechnical approach
- Marijn Sax (University of Amsterdam) and Jef Ausloos (University of Amsterdam). From Game to Content Delivery Platform: An Investigation of Fortnite’s Manipulative Practices
- Carl Vander Maelen (Ghent University). Codes of (Mis)conduct? An Appraisal of Articles 40-41 GDPR
- Salome Viljoen (Harvard University) and Ben Green (Harvard University). Algorithmic Realism: Embedding the Social in Technological Though
- Plixavra Vogiatzoglou (KU Leuven). Limiting the limitations: the purpose specification principle in article 8 ECFR
- Katja de Vries (Lund University). A two-directional relation between Artificial Intelligence and Constitutional Rights?
- Sandra Wachter (University of Oxford). Affinity Profiling and Discrimination by Association in Online Behavioural Advertising
- Ari Waldman (New York University). Privacy Discourse
- Josephine Williams (University of Amsterdam) and Kristina Irion (University of Amsterdam). Now you see me, now you don’t: International trade and geo-governance of facial recognition technology
- Raphaële Xenidis (European University Institute and Utrecht University). Equality in the age of artificial intelligence: Is EU anti-discrimination law up to the challenge?
- Svetlana Yakovleva (University of Amsterdam), Wessel Geursen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Axel Arnbak (University of Amsterdam). Towards a coordinated enforcement of data-related rules by data protection, competition and consumer authorities
- Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna (Future of Privacy Forum) and Stacey Gray (Future of Privacy Forum). A Taxonomy of Fairness in Transatlantic Privacy and Data Protection Law
- Nicolo Zingales (University of Leeds), Inge Graef (Tilburg University) and Martin Husovec (Tilburg University). Joint controllership & joint responsibilities: a concept in need of limiting principles