Pim ten Thije

Pim ten Thije started his Research Master in Information Law (LL.M) in 2018. He has a very broad interest in the impact of technology and algorithms on society and the judiciary; privacy issues; telecommunication law and internet governance. He holds an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science in Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (PPLE) at the University of Amsterdam, with a major in (comparative) law. He wrote his thesis on the feasibility of An Ethical Digital Driving License for Autonomous Vehicles (8.0/10, available upon request) and did a minor in Programming (8.5/10). During his bachelor, he was i.a. active as co-founder and first chairman of study association AIM PPLE; interviewer and editor at Room for Discussion; coordinator study associations at ASVA Student Union and was involved in the writing of the Youth Coalition on Internet Governance (YCIG) Charter at the Internet Governance Forum 2015, in Joao Pessoa, Brasil (IGF 2015). Before his bachelor, he was i.a. part of the managerial team of Dutch Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) *bliep.