
International Media Law, Policy & Practice (IMLPP) Conference 2019

5 April 2019
IViR Room, 5th floor, REC A

Welcome to the webpage of the fourth International Media Law, Policy & Practice (IMLPP) conference. Run by students, the conference has been organised as a closing event for the 2019 IMLPP course. IMLPP is an optional course on the specialised Informatierecht LL.M. programme, which is offered by the Institute for Information Law (IViR) at the Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam. The course coordinator is Dr. Tarlach McGonagle (IViR).

The main aim of the conference is to provide IMLPP students with a platform to present the research that they have carried out during the course. A number of external expert speakers will participate, but the mainstay of the conference will be presentations by the students themselves. The conference will also include a moot court competition involving IMLPP students.

Attendance is open to all students on the Informatierecht LL.M. Programme and all other interested researchers and students.

Draft Conference programme 
Tarlach McGonagle (IViR)
09.45-11.15Panel I: The disruption of public debate: the chilling effects of SLAPPs
Chair: Gabrielle Dunn (IMLPP)
Speakers: Charlie Holt (Greenpeace International), Leyla Gayibova (student, Amsterdam Law Clinic), Jelle Klaas (Public Interest Litigation Project), Ruth Kronenburg (Free Press Unlimited).
11.15-11.35Tea & coffee
11.35-13.15International Media Law Moot Court
Text of case
Judges: Sam van Velze (Bureau Brandeis & alumna IMLPP), Kristina Cendic (Organizing Team, Monroe E. Price International Media Law Moot Court Competition), Rahwa Tesfai (alumna IMLPP).
Applicants: Ilham Ezzamouri & Charlotte Woltering (IMLPP)
Respondents: Jesse Faber & Julie Visser (IMLPP)
Amicus curiae: Daniel Osterwald (IMLPP)
Clerk of the Court: Pim ten Thije (IMLPP)
14.00-15.30Panel II: The disruption of public debate: current challenges
Chair: Riesa van Doorn (IMLPP)
Speakers: Joep Bakker (IMLPP), Roland Pierik (Amsterdam Law School), Mireille van Eechoud (IViR)
15.30-16.00Tea & coffee
16.00-17.00Panel III: Elections and media in digital times: disruptive trends and how to counter them
Chair/speakers: Mariana Francese Coutinho (IMLPP), Arthur Zimin (IMLPP)
17.00-17.15Closing remarks
Mandy Erkelens (Conference rapporteur and research intern, IViR)

Conference Twitter hashtag: #IMLPP2019