6 February, 2024Information Law and the Digital Transformation of the University. Part I. Digital Sovereignty
10 March, 2022Contribution to the public consultation on the Guidelines 05/2021 on the Interplay between the application of Article 3 and the provisions on international transfers as per Chapter V of the GDPR
10 February, 2022The Algorithmic Learning Deficit: Artificial Intelligence, Data Protection and Trade
2 October, 2020Personal Data Transfers in International Trade and EU Law: A Tale of Two ‘Necessities’
9 June, 2020Drie mogelijke boetes van mededingings-, consumenten- en persoonsgegevensautoriteiten voor hetzelfde datagebruik
1 April, 2020Pitching trade against privacy: reconciling EU governance of personal data flows with external trade
27 February, 2020Privacy Protection(ism): The Latest Wave of Trade Constraints on Regulatory Autonomy
9 January, 2020Toward Compatibility of the EU Trade Policy with the General Data Protection Regulation