12 March, 2019Heks’nkaas or the "Fifty Shades of Taste" Explained by the CJEU through EU Copyright Law
10 January, 2019‘Fake news’ en desinformatie in België: weinig zorgen, problemen voor morgen?: Een analyse van dit mediafenomeen in België
6 December, 2018‘Hommage au fromage’ or how the CJEU said farewell to Heks’nkaas by excluding copyright protection for works of taste
6 November, 2018Privatised enforcement and the right to freedom of expression in a world confronted with terrorism propaganda online
21 September, 2018‘Quel dommage, cher fromage’ or how the AG said “no” to copyright protection for works of taste
13 July, 2018How independent are you really? Updating the INDIREG methodology for future assessments of media regulators’ independence: Workshop report