3 March, 2022Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie van de EU 22 juni 2021 Frank Peterson / Google & YouTube (C 682/18) & Elsevier / Cyando AG (C 683/18)
21 September, 2021De reikwijdte van artikel 17 DSM-richtlijn in het licht van het verbod op algemene toezichtverplichtingen: een Odyssee
29 October, 2020The Odyssey of the Prohibition on General Monitoring Obligations on the Way to the Digital Services Act: Between Article 15 of the E-Commerce Directive and Article 17 of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market
4 September, 2018Fixing Copyright Reform: How to Address Online Infringement and Bridge the Value Gap
14 February, 2017Notice-and-fair-balance: how to reach a compromise between fundamental rights in European intermediary liability
1 September, 2015Sketching the outline of a ghost: the fair balance between copyright and fundamental rights in intermediary third party liability
19 August, 2014Are blocking injunctions against ISPs allowed in Europe? Copyright enforcement in the post-Telekabel EU legal landscape