S. Piasecki
UvA Profile
Stanislaw Piasecki is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Information Law (IViR) and a member of the AI, Media and Democracy Lab. His research currently focuses on the topic of the use of AI in media and journalism (from a legal and policy perspective). In 2022, Stanislaw completed a PhD in data protection law at the University of Nottingham (Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training). His thesis was entitled ‘Complying with the GDPR when vulnerable people use smart devices’. During his studies, Stanislaw worked as visiting researcher at Chuo University in Tokyo by comparing the approach to AI regulation in Japan and the European Union. He has also contributed to the Defence Against Dark Artefacts (DADA) UK project on the legal and technical security aspects of the Internet of Things. Previously, Stanislaw worked for over four years as a Political Analyst at the Embassy of Luxembourg. He completed MA studies in international law (Université Paris 1), EU law (Université Paris-Sud 11) and did a LL.M. at the University of Manchester.