Esther Janssen

Esther Janssen studied French language and literature and Law at the University of Amsterdam, where she obtained her Law degree (L.L.M) in 2007. During her studies she specialized in Intellectual Property Law, Media and Information Law and Freedom of Speech. She wrote her thesis on freedom of speech in Literature, an analysis of the jurisprudence of the ECHR.
Previously Esther worked as a registrar at the District Court of Amsterdam and as a lawyer for NVJ, the Dutch Association of Journalists and for Van Kaam Advocaten, a Dutch Law firm specialized in Intellectual Property Law and Media Law. She participated in the research project ‘Selected legal aspects of User Created Content’ of IViR for the European Commission.
Currently Esther is working at IViR on her Ph.D. thesis on the relation between freedom of speech and freedom of thought, conscience and religion: resolution of conflicting fundamental rights through criminal and private law and the role of interest groups in Europe.