Notions of and Conditions for Authorship and Creativity in Media Production (OOR Workshop)

2 November 2012, Bergen, Norway

On 2 November 2012 a range of academics debated about Notions of and conditions for authorship and creativity in media production with members of the OOR research team. With presentations by:

  • Jennifer Holt on “Rewriting the Script: Conglomerates and Creativity in Contemporary Hollywood”,
  • Eva Novrup Redvall on “Screenwriters and Showrunners, Directors and Auteurs: Creative Collaborations in Film and Television”;
  • John Ellis on “We’ve brought content to users… now the problem is to bring users to content: On blockages to the creativity that should have been enabled by the digital.”
  • Hendrik Storstein Spilker on “Rethinking models of production and distribution in the age of piracy”, and
  • Arnt Maasø on “Music streaming and the sense of ownership”.

Held at the University of Bergen, Department of Information and Mediastudies, Bergen, Norway.