The Institute is pleased to announce that
Anton Ekker
will give a lecture at IViR on
Friday 27 March 2020
about the recent SyRI-case.
On 5 February 2020, the District Court in The Hague banned the use of the SyRI algorithm system by the Dutch government. SyRI was used for profiling citizens to detect fraud with social services. The Court found that the SyRI Act is in violation of art. 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Therefore, the Ministry of Social Affairs must cease all further use of SyRI.
The procedure was initiated by a coalition of privacy organizations, the Dutch Workers Union FNV and writers Tommy Wieringa and Maxim Februari.
Anton Ekker, one of the lawyers in these proceedings, will address the history of the court case and will give an analysis of the judgment and the consequences for government algorithms and automated decision making in general.
There will be ample opportunity for questions and discussion. Further information on the SyRI judgment can be found here.
Date: 27 March 2020
Time: 16:00 – 17:30
Place: Institute for Information Law,
Roeterseilandcampus, building A, 5th floor, room 5.24
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
5 March 2020