IViR is proud to announce that
Jason Fernandes
is the winner of the 2024 Science Fiction & Information Law writing competition with his story
‘Good Bot’

AI-bots giving legal advice; the impact of a universal law; a vision of a divided society with a periphery of people not profiting from AI; a world in which the first thing to do when answering a phone call, is to ask a check question to make sure you are not talking to a deep fake; a society, where being anonymous in public spaces requires an enormous effort…
We received many great and diverse stories in this years’ IViR “Science Fiction & Information Law” writing competition. The organizing team read and ranked all twenty contributions on writing style, originality and relevance to information law and made a shortlist of seven stories. The shortlisted stories were read by the jury, who decided on three finalists: Jason Fernandes, Andy H. Neale and Leevi Saari.
On 23 May 2024 a festive award ceremony took place at the Computer, Privacy & Data Protection (CPDP) conference in Brussels. At this event, the three finalists read excerpts of their stories and started a conversation with the audience about the future of Information Law. After that, Jason Fernandes was announced the winner of this year’s writing competition.
Winner of the
2024 Science Fiction & Information Law writing competition:
Jason Fernandes
‘Good Bot’

Finalist of the
2024 Science Fiction & Information Law writing competition:
Andy H. Neale
‘Lagrange Point Shadow’

Finalist of the
2024 Science Fiction & Information Law writing competition:
Leevi Saari
‘I pressed the damn button’

To celebrate the winning story, a virtual gallery will be presented by our partners of the Digital Constitutionalist.
Organizing Team:
- Natali Helberger, Joost Poort, Kimon Kieslich (University of Amsterdam)
- Yeliz Döker, Deniz Seval (Digital Constitutionalist)
- Bernt Hugenholtz (University of Amsterdam)
- Martha Larson (Radboud University)
- Mykola Makhortykh (University of Bern)
- Elif Küzeci (Bahcesehir University)