6 June, 2023Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists: Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights
6 May, 2021Freedom of expression, the Media and Journalists: Case-law of the Euopean Court of Human Rights
8 May, 2020Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists: Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights
23 January, 2020Journalist and editor’s conviction for incitement to religious hatred violated Article 10
15 November, 2019Denying journalist access to asylum-seeker ‘reception centre’ in Hungary violated Article 10 ECHR
17 October, 2019ECtHR engages in dangerous "triple pirouette" to find criminal prosecution for media coverage of PKK statements did not violate Article 10
17 May, 2018Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists: Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights
28 November, 2017Boekbespreking van Egbert Dommering, Het verschil van mening. Geschiedenis van een verkeerd begrepen idee.