11 February, 2025Towards a European Research Freedom Act: A Reform Agenda for Research Exceptions in the EU Copyright Acquis
8 August, 2024Algorithmic propagation: How the data-platform regulatory framework may increase bias in content moderation
17 May, 2024Improving access to and reuse of research results, publications and data for scientific purposes: Study to evaluate the effects of the EU copyright framework on research and the effects of potential interventions and to identify and present relevant provisions for research in EU data and digital legislation, with a focus on rights and obligations
9 June, 2022Algorithmic propagation: do property rights in data increase bias in content moderation? – Part II
9 June, 2022Algorithmic propagation: do property rights in data increase bias in content moderation? Part I
25 May, 2021Ensuring the Visibility and Accessibility of European Creative Content on the World Market: The Need for Copyright Data Improvement in the Light of New Technologies
21 April, 2020Implementing User Rights for Research in the Field of Artificial Intelligence: A Call for International Action