The Sony BMG rootkit scandal


The article will have a closer look at the charges of the EFF and a Californian lawyer against Sony BMG's latest DRM strategy. The Sony BMG case adds a number of new dimensions to the DRM and Consumer debate. The article will highlight some aspects, also against the background of similar recent case law in Europe.

Technologie en recht


Article{nokey, title = {The Sony BMG rootkit scandal}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0214}, date = {2006-02-14}, journal = {INDICARE Monitor}, abstract = {The article will have a closer look at the charges of the EFF and a Californian lawyer against Sony BMG's latest DRM strategy. The Sony BMG case adds a number of new dimensions to the DRM and Consumer debate. The article will highlight some aspects, also against the background of similar recent case law in Europe.}, keywords = {Technologie en recht}, }