Machine readable or not? – notes on the hearing in LAION e.v. vs Kneschke external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2024

Artificial intelligence, Germany, text and data mining


Online publication{nokey, title = {Machine readable or not? – notes on the hearing in LAION e.v. vs Kneschke}, author = {Keller, P.}, url = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-07-22}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {Artificial intelligence, Germany, text and data mining}, }

BGH: uploading a free-trial version of Microsoft Office is also making available to the public external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2020

case law, Copyright, Germany, infringement, Software


Article{Bouchè2020, title = {BGH: uploading a free-trial version of Microsoft Office is also making available to the public}, author = {Bouchè, G.}, url = {}, year = {0225}, date = {2020-02-25}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {case law, Copyright, Germany, infringement, Software}, }

An Analysis of Germany’s NetzDG Law external link

Tworek, H., & Leerssen, P.

Freedom of expression, frontpage, Germany, hate speech


Article{Tworek2019, title = {An Analysis of Germany’s NetzDG Law}, author = {Tworek, H., and Leerssen, P.}, url = {}, year = {0418}, date = {2019-04-18}, keywords = {Freedom of expression, frontpage, Germany, hate speech}, }

Germany: Disregarded Diversity external link

Fengler, S., Bastian, M., Brinkmann, J. & Eberwein, T.
In: Eberwein, T. and Fengler, S. and Karmasin, M. (eds): The European Handbook of Media Accountability. Routledge, 1212

Germany, media accountability, media governance, self-regulation


Chapter{Fengler2017, title = {Germany: Disregarded Diversity}, author = {Fengler, S. and Bastian, M. and Brinkmann, J. and Eberwein, T.}, year = {1212}, date = {2017-12-12}, keywords = {Germany, media accountability, media governance, self-regulation}, }

Mitbestimmung des Betriebsrats bei der Einrichtung einer Facebook-Seite external link

Irion, K. & Kohte, W.
Juristische Rundschau, vol. 2018, num: 3, 2018

annotation, frontpage, Germany, labour law


Newspaper article{Irion2018, title = {Mitbestimmung des Betriebsrats bei der Einrichtung einer Facebook-Seite}, author = {Irion, K. and Kohte, W.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0320}, date = {2018-03-20}, journal = {Juristische Rundschau}, volume = {2018}, number = {3}, pages = {}, keywords = {annotation, frontpage, Germany, labour law}, }

“Reformist Departure”: Questions Referred by the Bundesgerichtshof to the CJEU on the Reporting of Current Events and Quotation Exceptions external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2018


The exceptions for reporting of current events and quotation facilitate the functioning of the media. On 27 July 2017, the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) submitted several questions to the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU or Court) on the balance between copyright exceptions and the fundamental freedoms of information and the media, as well as the exceptions for quotation and reporting of current events. In answering these questions, the CJEU may well shed light on the open-ended drafting of these exceptions.

Auteursrecht, case law, CJEU, European Union, frontpage, Germany, infringement, limitations


Article{Zeybek2018, title = {“Reformist Departure”: Questions Referred by the Bundesgerichtshof to the CJEU on the Reporting of Current Events and Quotation Exceptions}, author = {Zeybek, B.}, url = {}, year = {0213}, date = {2018-02-13}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, abstract = {The exceptions for reporting of current events and quotation facilitate the functioning of the media. On 27 July 2017, the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) submitted several questions to the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU or Court) on the balance between copyright exceptions and the fundamental freedoms of information and the media, as well as the exceptions for quotation and reporting of current events. In answering these questions, the CJEU may well shed light on the open-ended drafting of these exceptions.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, case law, CJEU, European Union, frontpage, Germany, infringement, limitations}, }