Film Financing in the Digital Single Market: Challenges to Territoriality external link

IIC, vol. 51, num: 2, pp: 167-186, 2020


This article discusses the role of territorial licences for feature films against the background of judicial and market developments in the EU. Currently, territorial licences are deemed a cornerstone of the exploitation and financing of films in Europe. However, current models of film financing are under increasing pressure both from market developments such as the turbulent growth of global online video platforms, and from developments in EU law aimed at removing national territorial barriers to the Single Market. Examples are the rule of Union-wide exhaustion of the distribution right, the EU Portability Regulation and the country of origin rules for satellite broadcasting and online simulcasting. EU competition law sets additional limits to grants of territorial exclusivity, and prohibits clauses in broadcasting and pay television licences that prevent or restrict “passive” sales to consumers/viewers in non-licensed territories. The freedom of right holders to preserve territorial exclusivity by way of contract is likely to become increasingly vulnerable to EU competition law, as underlying territorial rights no longer support territorial grants. For the film sector where territorial exclusivity remains indispensable, the European Commission could create specific competition law rules in the form of “block exemptions”. Language exclusivity – i.e. exclusive grants of rights for distinct language versions of a film – could provide a practical and legally more robust alternative to territorial licensing.

Copyright, Digital Single Market, film, financing, frontpage, territoriality


Article{Hugenholtz2020, title = {Film Financing in the Digital Single Market: Challenges to Territoriality}, author = {Hugenholtz, P. and Poort, J.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0130}, date = {2020-01-30}, journal = {IIC}, volume = {51}, number = {2}, pages = {167-186}, abstract = {This article discusses the role of territorial licences for feature films against the background of judicial and market developments in the EU. Currently, territorial licences are deemed a cornerstone of the exploitation and financing of films in Europe. However, current models of film financing are under increasing pressure both from market developments such as the turbulent growth of global online video platforms, and from developments in EU law aimed at removing national territorial barriers to the Single Market. Examples are the rule of Union-wide exhaustion of the distribution right, the EU Portability Regulation and the country of origin rules for satellite broadcasting and online simulcasting. EU competition law sets additional limits to grants of territorial exclusivity, and prohibits clauses in broadcasting and pay television licences that prevent or restrict “passive” sales to consumers/viewers in non-licensed territories. The freedom of right holders to preserve territorial exclusivity by way of contract is likely to become increasingly vulnerable to EU competition law, as underlying territorial rights no longer support territorial grants. For the film sector where territorial exclusivity remains indispensable, the European Commission could create specific competition law rules in the form of “block exemptions”. Language exclusivity – i.e. exclusive grants of rights for distinct language versions of a film – could provide a practical and legally more robust alternative to territorial licensing.}, keywords = {Copyright, Digital Single Market, film, financing, frontpage, territoriality}, }

Polderpiraten voor anker external link

Poort, J., Ende, M. van der & Yagafarova, A.
TPEdigitaal, vol. 13, num: 2, pp: 97-111, 2019


Dit artikel bespreekt hoe de verwerving en consumptie van muziek, films, series, games en boeken zich tussen 2012 en 2017 in Nederland heeft ontwikkeld. Voor al deze soorten materiaal is de omzet in die periode gestegen, behalve voor boeken. De groep die weleens materiaal downloadt of streamt uit illegale bronnen is kleiner geworden voor muziek en games, gelijk gebleven voor films en series en licht gestegen voor boeken. Piraten consumeren echter veel vaker betaalde content dan niet-piraten. De vrees voor piraterij zou de ontwikkeling van e-boekabonnementen daarom niet in de weg moeten staan.

Auteursrecht, boeken, film, frontpage, games, muziek, nederland, piraterij


Article{Poort2019d, title = {Polderpiraten voor anker}, author = {Poort, J. and Ende, M. van der and Yagafarova, A.}, url = {}, year = {1001}, date = {2019-10-01}, journal = {TPEdigitaal}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, pages = {97-111}, abstract = {Dit artikel bespreekt hoe de verwerving en consumptie van muziek, films, series, games en boeken zich tussen 2012 en 2017 in Nederland heeft ontwikkeld. Voor al deze soorten materiaal is de omzet in die periode gestegen, behalve voor boeken. De groep die weleens materiaal downloadt of streamt uit illegale bronnen is kleiner geworden voor muziek en games, gelijk gebleven voor films en series en licht gestegen voor boeken. Piraten consumeren echter veel vaker betaalde content dan niet-piraten. De vrees voor piraterij zou de ontwikkeling van e-boekabonnementen daarom niet in de weg moeten staan.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, boeken, film, frontpage, games, muziek, nederland, piraterij}, }

Film Financing and the Digital Single Market: its Future, the Role of Territoriality and New Models of Financing external link



This report studies the role of territoriality in film financing, the legal and market challenges territoriality faces as a key model for film financing and the consequences if EU policies were to reduce or mitigate the scope of territorial exclusivity in the audiovisual sector. It provides information on Member States’ and EU models of film financing, explores the challenges film financing faces from digital developments and evolving consumer behaviour and analyses possible alternatives to traditional methods of financing and policies to support this.

Digital Single Market, film, financiering, frontpage, Mediarecht, territorialiteit


Report{Poort2019, title = {Film Financing and the Digital Single Market: its Future, the Role of Territoriality and New Models of Financing}, author = {Poort, J. and Hugenholtz, P. and Lindhout, P. and Til, G. van}, url = {}, year = {0117}, date = {2019-01-17}, abstract = {This report studies the role of territoriality in film financing, the legal and market challenges territoriality faces as a key model for film financing and the consequences if EU policies were to reduce or mitigate the scope of territorial exclusivity in the audiovisual sector. It provides information on Member States’ and EU models of film financing, explores the challenges film financing faces from digital developments and evolving consumer behaviour and analyses possible alternatives to traditional methods of financing and policies to support this.}, keywords = {Digital Single Market, film, financiering, frontpage, Mediarecht, territorialiteit}, }

Annotatie bij Geschillencommissie Auteurscontractenrecht 27 juli 2018 (Soof 2) external link

AMI, vol. 2018, num: 5, pp: 213-215, 2018

auteurscontractenrecht, Auteursrecht, film, frontpage, royalties


Article{Hugenholtz2018h, title = {Annotatie bij Geschillencommissie Auteurscontractenrecht 27 juli 2018 (Soof 2)}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {1030}, date = {2018-10-30}, journal = {AMI}, volume = {2018}, number = {5}, pages = {213-215}, keywords = {auteurscontractenrecht, Auteursrecht, film, frontpage, royalties}, }

(Stilzwijgende) licenties in het filmauteursrecht, Annotatie bij Rb. Rotterdam 13 november 2013 (Rijneke / Stichting Rotterdam Media Fonds) en Rb. Amsterdam 18 september 2013 (Holierhoek / NTR) external link

AMI, num: 1, pp: 34-35, 2014

Auteursrecht, film, Intellectuele eigendom, licenties


Article{Kabel2014, title = {(Stilzwijgende) licenties in het filmauteursrecht, Annotatie bij Rb. Rotterdam 13 november 2013 (Rijneke / Stichting Rotterdam Media Fonds) en Rb. Amsterdam 18 september 2013 (Holierhoek / NTR)}, author = {Kabel, J.}, url = {}, year = {0228}, date = {2014-02-28}, journal = {AMI}, number = {1}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, film, Intellectuele eigendom, licenties}, }