An Assessment of the Commission’s Proposal on Privacy and Electronic Communications external link


This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, appraises the European Commission’s proposal for an ePrivacy Regulation. The study assesses whether the proposal would ensure that the right to the protection of personal data, the right to respect for private life and communications, and related rights enjoy a high standard of protection. The study also highlights the proposal’s potential benefits and drawbacks more generally.

e-Privacy regulation, frontpage, Personal data, Privacy


Other{Borgesius2017b, title = {An Assessment of the Commission’s Proposal on Privacy and Electronic Communications}, author = {Zuiderveen Borgesius, F. and van Hoboken, J. and Fahy, R. and Irion, K. and Rozendaal, M.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0615}, date = {2017-06-15}, abstract = {This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, appraises the European Commission’s proposal for an ePrivacy Regulation. The study assesses whether the proposal would ensure that the right to the protection of personal data, the right to respect for private life and communications, and related rights enjoy a high standard of protection. The study also highlights the proposal’s potential benefits and drawbacks more generally.}, keywords = {e-Privacy regulation, frontpage, Personal data, Privacy}, }

The Weeping Angels are back, and they attack our privacy via smart TVs external link

CIA, Data protection, e-Privacy regulation, Freedom of expression, frontpage, Internet, Privacy, Smart TV


Article{Irion2017b, title = {The Weeping Angels are back, and they attack our privacy via smart TVs}, author = {Irion, K. and Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0310}, date = {2017-03-10}, keywords = {CIA, Data protection, e-Privacy regulation, Freedom of expression, frontpage, Internet, Privacy, Smart TV}, }