Notice-and-fair-balance: how to reach a compromise between fundamental rights in European intermediary liability external link

Angelopoulos, C. & Smet, S.
Journal of Media Law, vol. 8, num: 2, pp: 266-301, 2017


In recent years, Europe’s highest courts have searched for the answer to the problem of intermediary liability in the notion of a ‘fair balance’ between competing fundamental rights. At the same time, the ‘notice-and-takedown’ system, which first emerged as a solution to intermediary liability in the 1990s, has spread across the globe, transforming along the way into an assortment of ‘notice-and-action’ variants that differ from country to country. In this article, we seek to examine how both these approaches to the intermediary liability question can be usefully combined. Interpreting ‘fair balance’ as a call for compromise, we propose a move away from the traditional ‘horizontal’ approach of the EU's safe harbour regime, towards a more ‘vertical’ scheme, whereby distinct ‘actions’ are tailored to diverse wrong-doings: notice-and-notice for copyright, notice-wait-and-takedown for defamation and notice-and-takedown and notice-and-suspension for hate speech. Notice-and-judicial-take-down can function as a complementary all-purpose solution. Automatic takedown and notice-and-stay-down are applicable exclusively to child pornography. We suggest that the resulting calibrated system can contribute to achieving a truer ‘fair balance’ in this difficult area of law.

CJEU, ECtHR, fair balance, frontpage, Fundamental rights, intermediary liability, notice-and-action


Article{Angelopoulos2017, title = {Notice-and-fair-balance: how to reach a compromise between fundamental rights in European intermediary liability}, author = {Angelopoulos, C. and Smet, S.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0214}, date = {2017-02-14}, journal = {Journal of Media Law}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, pages = {266-301}, abstract = {In recent years, Europe’s highest courts have searched for the answer to the problem of intermediary liability in the notion of a ‘fair balance’ between competing fundamental rights. At the same time, the ‘notice-and-takedown’ system, which first emerged as a solution to intermediary liability in the 1990s, has spread across the globe, transforming along the way into an assortment of ‘notice-and-action’ variants that differ from country to country. In this article, we seek to examine how both these approaches to the intermediary liability question can be usefully combined. Interpreting ‘fair balance’ as a call for compromise, we propose a move away from the traditional ‘horizontal’ approach of the EU\'s safe harbour regime, towards a more ‘vertical’ scheme, whereby distinct ‘actions’ are tailored to diverse wrong-doings: notice-and-notice for copyright, notice-wait-and-takedown for defamation and notice-and-takedown and notice-and-suspension for hate speech. Notice-and-judicial-take-down can function as a complementary all-purpose solution. Automatic takedown and notice-and-stay-down are applicable exclusively to child pornography. We suggest that the resulting calibrated system can contribute to achieving a truer ‘fair balance’ in this difficult area of law.}, keywords = {CJEU, ECtHR, fair balance, frontpage, Fundamental rights, intermediary liability, notice-and-action}, }

Smart TV and the online media sector: User privacy in view of changing market realities external link

Telecommunications Policy, vol. 41, num: 3, pp: 170-184, 2017


Smart TV and online media enable precise monitoring of online media consumption, which also forms the basis for personalised recommendations. This new practice challenges EU policy in two respects. Firstly, the legality of monitoring individual media consumption and using personal data of users is primarily addressed under data protection law. Secondly, tracking of viewing behaviour and personalisation of media content can also affect individuals’ freedom to receive information, as well as the realisation of media policy objectives such as media freedom and pluralism, implications that so far are not reflected in media law and policy, or only marginally. This article addresses the increasing reliance on personal data and personalised services in the audiovisual and online media sector and queries the appropriateness of the legal status quo in light of implementation and enforcement actions in Germany and the Netherlands. The analysis concludes with a call for media policy makers and regulators to pay more attention to the issue of ‘smart surveillance’ of media users, and develops a number of concrete recommendations on how to accommodate the specific privacy concerns of media users.

frontpage, Fundamental rights, Media consumption, Media policy, Monitoring, Online media, Privacy, Smart TV


Article{Irion2017, title = {Smart TV and the online media sector: User privacy in view of changing market realities}, author = {Irion, K. and Helberger, N.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0103}, date = {2017-01-03}, journal = {Telecommunications Policy}, volume = {41}, number = {3}, pages = {170-184}, abstract = {Smart TV and online media enable precise monitoring of online media consumption, which also forms the basis for personalised recommendations. This new practice challenges EU policy in two respects. Firstly, the legality of monitoring individual media consumption and using personal data of users is primarily addressed under data protection law. Secondly, tracking of viewing behaviour and personalisation of media content can also affect individuals’ freedom to receive information, as well as the realisation of media policy objectives such as media freedom and pluralism, implications that so far are not reflected in media law and policy, or only marginally. This article addresses the increasing reliance on personal data and personalised services in the audiovisual and online media sector and queries the appropriateness of the legal status quo in light of implementation and enforcement actions in Germany and the Netherlands. The analysis concludes with a call for media policy makers and regulators to pay more attention to the issue of ‘smart surveillance’ of media users, and develops a number of concrete recommendations on how to accommodate the specific privacy concerns of media users.}, keywords = {frontpage, Fundamental rights, Media consumption, Media policy, Monitoring, Online media, Privacy, Smart TV}, }

International copyright reform in support of open legal information (working paper draft, Sep. 2016) external link


This paper analyzes the status of legal information under international and national copyright laws. It argues that the current uncertainties with respect to the copyright status of primary legal materials (legislation, court decisions) and secondary legal materials such as parliamentary records and other official texts relevant to the interpretation of law, constitute a barrier to access and use. The time has come for reform of the international copyright system in WIPO. International law should recognize explicitly that primary and secondary legal materials are public domain and thus not subject to copyright or related rights. This will bring outdated copyright norms across the world up to date with current developments: the trend towards universal recognition of the right to access government information as part of human rights, the UN’s sustainable development goals with respect to access to law, and the rapid growth of open government policies worldwide, supported by the Open Government Partnership (OGP).

access to law, Copyright, Freedom of expression, frontpage, Fundamental rights, open government, right to know


Article{vanEechoud2016, title = {International copyright reform in support of open legal information (working paper draft, Sep. 2016)}, author = {van Eechoud, M. and Guibault, L.}, url = {}, year = {0930}, date = {2016-09-30}, abstract = {This paper analyzes the status of legal information under international and national copyright laws. It argues that the current uncertainties with respect to the copyright status of primary legal materials (legislation, court decisions) and secondary legal materials such as parliamentary records and other official texts relevant to the interpretation of law, constitute a barrier to access and use. The time has come for reform of the international copyright system in WIPO. International law should recognize explicitly that primary and secondary legal materials are public domain and thus not subject to copyright or related rights. This will bring outdated copyright norms across the world up to date with current developments: the trend towards universal recognition of the right to access government information as part of human rights, the UN’s sustainable development goals with respect to access to law, and the rapid growth of open government policies worldwide, supported by the Open Government Partnership (OGP).}, keywords = {access to law, Copyright, Freedom of expression, frontpage, Fundamental rights, open government, right to know}, }

Back to Black: external link

Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, num: 10, pp: 725., 2015


This short - peer reviewed - article touches on innovation in China in the field of smart phones, recent legislative reform in China for fostering intellectual property and combating counterfeit and trade mark grabbing. It also touches on human rights in China, the different approach in which the West advances its economic v human rights agenda and the selective way Silicon Valley industry participates in grass roots debate on civil liberties. The article also touches on the 'right to seek counsel' as one of the fundamental rights, which many arrested lawyers in China were deprived of during the July 2015 arrests.

bad faith, China, counterfeit, Fundamental rights, Human rights, innovation, Intellectual property, national security law, Patent law, Trademark law


Article{nokey, title = {Back to Black:}, author = {Tsoutsanis, A.}, url = {}, year = {1015}, date = {2015-10-15}, journal = {Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice}, number = {10}, abstract = {This short - peer reviewed - article touches on innovation in China in the field of smart phones, recent legislative reform in China for fostering intellectual property and combating counterfeit and trade mark grabbing. It also touches on human rights in China, the different approach in which the West advances its economic v human rights agenda and the selective way Silicon Valley industry participates in grass roots debate on civil liberties. The article also touches on the \'right to seek counsel\' as one of the fundamental rights, which many arrested lawyers in China were deprived of during the July 2015 arrests.}, keywords = {bad faith, China, counterfeit, Fundamental rights, Human rights, innovation, Intellectual property, national security law, Patent law, Trademark law}, }

The Court of Justice and the Data Retention Directive in Digital Rights Ireland external link

European Law Review, num: 6, pp: 835-850., 2015


In Digital Rights Ireland, the Court of Justice invalidated the 2006 Data Retention Directive, which required private providers to retain for a considerable period electronic communication metadata for law enforcement purposes. In this landmark ruling, the EU judiciary introduced a strict scrutiny test for EU legislative acts that interfere seriously with important rights protected by the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights—in this case, the rights to privacy and data protection—and applied a rigorous assessment of the proportionality of the measure under the Charter, criticising numerous aspects of the Directive. This article presents and analyses the judgment, discussing its implications for constitutional review and constitutionalism in the European Union, and the substantive and procedural constraints that it imposes on EU and national data retention schemes. It concludes by reflecting on the ruling’s impact on European integration and data related policies.

Data protection, data retention, electronic communications, EU law, Fundamental rights, Grondrechten, Ireland, Personal data, Privacy, proportionality


Article{nokey, title = {The Court of Justice and the Data Retention Directive in Digital Rights Ireland}, author = {Irion, K.}, url = {}, year = {0115}, date = {2015-01-15}, journal = {European Law Review}, number = {6}, abstract = {In Digital Rights Ireland, the Court of Justice invalidated the 2006 Data Retention Directive, which required private providers to retain for a considerable period electronic communication metadata for law enforcement purposes. In this landmark ruling, the EU judiciary introduced a strict scrutiny test for EU legislative acts that interfere seriously with important rights protected by the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights—in this case, the rights to privacy and data protection—and applied a rigorous assessment of the proportionality of the measure under the Charter, criticising numerous aspects of the Directive. This article presents and analyses the judgment, discussing its implications for constitutional review and constitutionalism in the European Union, and the substantive and procedural constraints that it imposes on EU and national data retention schemes. It concludes by reflecting on the ruling’s impact on European integration and data related policies.}, keywords = {Data protection, data retention, electronic communications, EU law, Fundamental rights, Grondrechten, Ireland, Personal data, Privacy, proportionality}, }